Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Today my Shakti Kundalini has allowed me to experience some validation for the path. One event was giving healing to a stanger who actually felt the energy and then when in an office a lady saw my quartz crystal that I wear that has 7 stones of different colors to represent the chakras- she commented on it and then said she saw my aura. The lady I was with asked her what color it was - it ran from tip of finger to tip of finger and was all white.

So I handed her my card and of course asked have you heard of Kundalini - no was the reply but she said she sees people and animals. And she told me about a center that I had heard of - where she goes for readings. And she told me of a store that I did check on - lots of good items.

I do not see energy I do feel it yet to have someone point out my energy is really nice.

The lady I was with asked if she saw her aura and she said no. So in the car I was asked How long have you been into this , I gather you believe in past lives ( from the conversation we were having about seeing entities) she also said she had read of Kundalini in her studies- she is a classical lit prof.

I mentioned that the radiance is enough to heal and that I have to walk with love or others can be affected negatively.

Shakti is on the move again in small ways - As I look about for a place to hold a seminar I am meeting many good folks - some rather testy - yet overall nice is abundant.

Gratitude to Shakti for bringing folks to me who are in need of info.

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