Thursday, July 26, 2012

Writing ones' thoughts...

I find it interesting that  on FB so many write their thoughts, ideas and views and on the spiritual sites the writings are all teachings for everyone.  There is such a collective score of knowledge form so many.  Reading the words of famous folks is fine yet reading the words of the unknown is far better.  Here on this page I will list some of chrism's quotes- mostly from FB.  He is not well known by many yet his words of wisdom ring true to those who are in a Kundalini state of mind.  He has had personal experiences that have shaped how he views the process but more than this he has a direct connection to his Shakti Kundalini.  
If we learn to step back and listen we too can hear the wisdom that is given to those who are gifted with the Kundalini.  It may not be thru words but thru events or co incidents or observations or prayer or meditation.  Gifts are given in many formats.  Open and you will receive.